The Standard CIO
[nlposts title=”CIOAL ” instance=mundopyme number_posts=4 display_type=olist blog_id=2 thumbnail=true sort_by_date=true thumbnail_wh=250×250 auto_excerpt=true excerpt_length=15 title_only=false]
Digital Too
[nlposts title=”CIOAL ” instance=mundopyme number_posts=4 display_type=olist blog_id=3 thumbnail=true sort_by_date=true thumbnail_wh=250×250 auto_excerpt=true excerpt_length=15 title_only=false]
Factory Pyme
[nlposts title=”CIOAL” instance=mundopyme number_posts=4 display_type=olist blog_id=5 thumbnail=true sort_by_date=true thumbnail_wh=250×250 auto_excerpt=true excerpt_length=15 title_only=false]
The Standard CIO is a publication of The HAP Group, a Miami based US Corporation and a leader in the Spanish speaking world in the development of effective innovative marketing initiatives for all verticals of the economy. The HAP Group maintain a database of more than 120,000 CIOs and Executives from companies all sizes and with all number of employees. Inside this group, the nucleus is called The Digital Leaders, an organic community nurtured through direct contact for the distribution of news and information, by events, executing surveys and product testing, and recognizing the best implementation of products, solutions and practices trough awards programs. The Digital Leaders group has positioned us as the most effective generator and provider of qualified leads, BANTs, Content syndication, multiple touch campaigns, and more for all interested companies doing business in Latin America. In addition, our group use our own websites and digital special publications to distribute content and support our campaigns with The Standard CIO, (www.,Digital Too(, and Factory PYME (addressing the growing Small and Medium size enterprises)(, all under the hub of The Standard IT, our own umbrella. Para contactar a The HAP Group llámenos a las oficinas centrales en Miami (+1 305.961.1132) o escribanos a